The Present is a Gift | Danny Gretscher
“The Present is a Gift” | Danny Gretscher
From June 16 to July 23, 2022
After a first exhibition in 2018, C.O.A gallery renews the pleasure and presents a new solo by Danny Gretscher in Montreal. Based in Berlin, Gretscher first studied graphic design before turning to painting in one fell swoop, and has been doing so since his first studio in 2004. With “The Present is a Gift,” he attempts to embody a return to simplicity. The title is meant to convey a message; each given moment is a present, and what Danny Grestcher offers to the world at this moment are these paintings.
Gretscher’s work is at the crossroads of the abstract and the figurative, he often creates large formats with acrylic and pencil on wood panels. It is as difficult to escape the magic of Danny Gretscher’s painting as it is to describe it, as he devotes himself to an ethereal, immediate and intangible subject.
Gretscher draws his inspiration from impulses of the vast universe that flow through him in the form of feelings. He then places the colours on his canvas to incarnate these feelings that inhabit him. From there, everything develops naturally, until the painting is what it wants to be; Gretscher’s process is intuitive.